Q&As between Smith and the PM
Posted by: 2UE | 31 August, 2011 - 12:56 PM
It's On the Public Record:
I write to the Prime Minister's office on your behalf quite a lot. They're normally very professional and speedy in getting back with responses.
The PM has a large staff, as you would expect.
I have set out my correspondence with the PM's office below, starting with my first note and ending with my last, unanswered note.
During my program today my producer sent a further chaser, she received a brief response that said "Maryann, I provided a response, regards, Sean."
Are you satisfied with the PM's response to my questions? Are they reasonable questions? Can you show me where the answers are?
30/08/2011, at 8:44 AM, "Michael Smith \(2ue\)" <msmith@2ue.com.au> wrote:
Dear Prime Minister,
Did you ever create or cause any legal entity(ies) to be created with the letters AWU or words Australian Workers Union in its/their title(s)?
Did you create an Association known as "AWU Members Welfare Association"?
Did you establish or in any way instruct any person to establish any bank accounts associated with the "AWU Members Welfare Association" or "AWU Workplace Reform Association Inc" ?
Did you establish or in any way instruct any person to establish any bank accounts for the Australian Worker's Union?
Did you receive any monies from any of the following bank accounts "AWU Workplace Reform Association" or "Australian Workers Union Members Welfare Association"?
Did you receive any clothes paid for by any other person or entity from the business known as Town Mode of Melbourne Fashion House?
Have you ever paid back any money to the Australian Workers' Union?
From: Michael Smith (2ue)
Sent: Tuesday, 30 August 2011 9:55 PM
To: Michael Smith (2ue)
Cc: Kelly, Sean
Subject: Re: For the PM Please
Dear Sean,
I am looking at my file of correspondence with your office.
You have always impressed me with your speed in reversion.
What's gone wrong? Why is this enquiry different? Did my message go missing?
From: Kelly, Sean
Sent: Wednesday, 31 August 2011 8:20 AM
To: Michael Smith (2ue)
Subject: RE: For the PM Please [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
Hi Michael,
These are matters that have been dealt with on the public record over a period of fifteen years.
From: Michael Smith (2ue)
Sent: Wednesday, 31 August 2011 9:38 AM
To: Kelly, Sean
Subject: RE: For the PM Please [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
Thanks Sean,
Just for clarity, the only public record I can find that goes close to answering those questions can best be summarised thus.
The PM was a partner at Slater and Gordon. She took instructions from Bruce Wilson, an official with the AWU.
On Mr Wilson's instructions she set up legal structures styled in a similar fashion to "AWU Welfare Association".
The public record (ie media reports, including Glen Milne's) says she set up the accounts, I infer from that bank accounts.
The PM is explicit in saying that she had no idea what the accounts were being used for. She specifically and emphatically denies any prior knowledge of improper conduct or fraud.
She vigourously denies being involved in any way in any improper or illegal conduct.
The public record includes the Hansard reports in the Victorian Parliament. The statements in the parliament include specific commentary about the renovation of a house and the acquisition of certain clothing from the Melbourne fashion house. Just for clarity, is that public record accurate?
From: Kelly, Sean
Sent: Wednesday, 31 August 2011 9:41 AM
To: Michael Smith (2ue)
Subject: RE: For the PM Please [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
The Prime Minister, as you note, has made comments about these matters in the past. I’d refer you to her comments.
From: Michael Smith (2ue)
Sent: Wednesday, 31 August 2011 9:44 AM
To: Kelly, Sean
Subject: RE: For the PM Please [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
Thanks Sean, clearly we would love an interview about them, are there any circumstances in which the PM will speak with me?
From: Kelly, Sean
Sent: Wednesday, 31 August 2011 9:52 AM
To: Michael Smith (2ue)
Subject: RE: For the PM Please [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
Michael, the Prime Minister has made comments about these matters, and has nothing to add to those comments.
From: Michael Smith (2ue)
Sent: Wednesday, 31 August 2011 9:56 AM
To: 'Kelly, Sean'
Subject: RE: For the PM Please [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
I'll wait to hear from you about the circumstances in which the PM might be available for an interview.
Separately, I would like to take you up on the offer in your last sentence to refer me to the PM's comments. You have a considerable taxpayer funded media unit with publicly funded access to the Media Monitors organisation and its resources in collating and analysing media commentary.
May I ask that you make good on the offer you made below to refer me to her comments? Where are they, what are the comments that you are happy for me to use?
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Blog comments
Why can't she answer such easy questions???
LOGICAL-CANBERRA Friday 2 September, 2011 - 4:40 PM - The Italians might be concerned at the behaviour of Silvio Burlusconi and young women but what our Prime Minister is doing to the entire Australian public makes Burlusconi pale into insignificance
Its no longer the ALP its ILP or Incompetant Labor Party
rod Friday 2 September, 2011 - 1:33 PM - A LEOPARD NEVER CHANGES ITS SPOTS;
Given the High Court, Malaysian asylum-seeker debacle, Ms. Gillard needs to comply with regulations, tell the truth and take what comes!
It appears that there is still no visible change from the "young & naive" employed Partner in the AWU's Law Firm Slater & Gordon, 20 odd years ago! Is this just another case of a leopard never changes its spots????
ADRIAN Friday 2 September, 2011 - 10:01 AM - How ridiculous that this station will silence a broadcaster, but when the time comes and the Prime Minister goes into campaign mode, she will be given unfettered access to the airwaves.
Ray Thursday 1 September, 2011 - 11:28 PM - its not that hard for someone to answer a plain question with a plain answer, if she DID answer the question plainly in the PAST and its on the public record, where is it? i think that is all Michale Smith is asking for, he isn't trying to pull her teeth.
I too would like to see the public record of her response to the allegations ?
where was the article, letter, or affidavit, or ANYTHING that Ms Gillard said, wrote or stated concerning the expenditiue upon herself by her then Union Leader boyfriend?
if its ON the public record , PLEASE reveal it for us to see,
gazza Thursday 1 September, 2011 - 7:18 PM