Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Gillard at Slater and Gordon; AWU; AWUgate

I would welcome the chance to talk personally with my old friend Stephen Conroy, (now Senator Conroy) about what he knew about Mr. Bruce Wilson during the 1990s. I worked out of the same office as Stephen in 1991 / 1992. Stephen, along with others helped me in my AWU unon campaign against Mr. Bruce Wilson in the AWU elections to elect 5 AWU members to represent AWU Victorian members at the AWU national convention. Myself and the 4 other AWU members who joined my ticket won that election. My campaign was centered on me calling on AWU members to support me in my attemt to have an open and INDEPENDENT inquiry into gross missapropriation of AWU union members monies .... Stephen, along with other, now senior ALP players helped me and AWU members win that election.... , Mr Bolt, I would appreciate it if you could pass on my personal email details to Stephen if he wishes to discuss our old freindship that we formed during the 1990s. My name is Bob Kernohan
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